Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 09

Was the best one yet

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is it ok to say I'm a genius???

Ok, so maybe not really, but I sure do feel like it.

I have been working in the Life Insurance/Investments feild for a good 10 months now, and FINALLY got my 2 bosses together to send me to the pre-licensing class and then to take my licensing exam.

Took the class at the beginning of the month. Now, I know I'm smart. Not that I'm concedied, but I've always been pretty quick. After the class I felt good about it, because I already have an edge up on any newbies. But I was till HELLA nervous, confident, but nervous.

First of all, I felt like the odds were against me, because 95% of all the people that I've seen take this test since I have been here this year, have had to take it 3 and 4 times, and then just barely passed it with a 73 or 74. Passing is a 70, and these kids were just out of college. I had been telling myself (and everybody else) that I WAS GOING TO pass it my first time. I HAD to, for me.

So yesterday was the big day. I had been studying as much as I could for the past week and re-read everything over the weekend.

I had to drive to the next city over, about an hour away to take it. Lucky I have family there. Got to have lunch with my awesome cousin Hana, and then is was game time. I was so nervous, I couldn't stop shaking. Now this is a pretty big deal. The test center is vidio monitored, you have to be fingerprinted, and can"t even wear a watch to take the test.

After I signed in and was verified to be myself, it was time. It is a timed test (2.5 hours) with 150 questions. Now I said I've been working with Life Insurance, but the test consists of Life, Health, Accident, Annuities, Long Term Care, Medicare, Tax laws, and just General Insurance basics.

I took my time, and read each question carefully. Reviewed the ones I wasn"t 100% sure of, then double checked all of them since I had time to spare. When I hit the button to stop the review, I closed my eyes. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I was sweating, I was in so much anticipation of the results.

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't even find the score. Then I saw it 84%. WAAAAAHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I just about jumped out of my chair I was so excited.

And the best part is now I get to rub it in all the boys faces. Hehehe.

Associate Financial Representative- has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Costume #2

And I think the winner is..............................Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can.

Monday, September 21, 2009


are weekends so short.

I'm gonna start a petition to make 3 day weekends and 4 day work weeks!!

Sounds good to me

Friday, September 18, 2009

Costume #1

So any body that knows us, knows that for about the last year, Andre' has been more than obsessed with dinosaurs. He knows the names to probably more than 20, has upwards of 100 plastic ones at home, movies, books, clothes, anything to do with dinosaurs, this boy was after.

So when I asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween a couple of weeks ago, I was almost 100% positive that he was going to say T Rex. Guess what, he didn't. I guess it's been a couple of months now, that Spiderman has been creeping into the picture. So when he told me he wanted to be Spiderman for Halloween, my first thought was that I'm gonna have to get 2 costumes. 1 of each, so just in case at the last minute he changes his mind, we don't have a complete and total mely down for not having the one that he wants.

Well I found a Spiderman costume on eBay for $4.99 with foam muscles and all, jumped on that deal, and it's in transit over the ocean now. But a couple of days ago, we went to a friend I work withs house, originally to help paint her daughter's room. She has a little boy about the same age as Andre' so when we go over there, they can play while we visit.

We had a couple of drinks, painted one wall, fed the kids dinner, painted the other wall. All while there was a creepy guy in the house that had come over to try to fix her phone. I wasn't leaving until he did. So we hung out, her kids fell asleep and of course Andre' was still up so to not miss a thing. We went in her closet to find a hat, cause today is crazy hat day at school. She comes out with this costume that was made for her daughter when she did pageants a few years back.

He was instantly in love with it. Wore it there, held it on the way home, asked for it when he woke up the next morning, and it rode with him to school, and home that afternoon, he put it on when we walked in the door yesterday, and then wanted to bring it to school today, but we were running late.

We'll see what happens when the Spiderman costume gets to the house;)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pics from the Springs

We had the most awesome weekend in Hot Springs.
I was worried about what the weather was gonna do, but it held out for us to have some good fun in the sun. We laughed alot, and I realized that My cousin Hana and I have so much in common that it's crazy. I hope we stay close, cause we're only 45 minutes apart.
My Nanny is my idol. I look up to her so much, and I miss the times that we are apart.
Can't wait for the next trip, and cousins weekend coming soon to a theater near you. Haha

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I got a feelin'

Wating on the weekend.

We are headed back to Hot Springs for the long Labor Day weekend.

Can't wait. will report back with all the fun when we get back